4LANG42.ZIP 91,081 03-07-96 Ultimate Language Tutor v4.2 for Windows.If you want to learn Spanish, French,German or Italian, this program makes iteasy to learn the vocabulary of theselanguages. Has built-in test and flashcardmodules.
954LAN42.ZIP 313,054 03-07-96 Ultimate Language Tutor v4.2 for Win 95.
CALMEM13.ZIP 263,075 02-28-96 CalcuMemory v1.3. The object of thiseducational game is to find pairs of cardswith the same value, revealing a backgroundbitmap. A card value can be either a numberor the result of addition, subtraction,multiplication
CATMINUS.ZIP 507,657 04-01-96 CatMinus - the only program where kids canchase cats around the screen with theirmouse and also learn and practice theirsubtraction skills. Incredible but true.
CFINDR70.ZIP 519,651 02-07-96 The College Finder's Scholarship Search andMore v7.0. Includes financial aid, college,career information for students. Includesdatabases of over 10,000 scholarships and3,200 colleges.
CHORES.ZIP 190,698 04-15-96 Chores & Rewards v2.00 <ASP> Manageschildrens' chores, rewards and penalties,featuring 3 motivation/compensationtechniques; automatic compensationreconciliation; performance tracking; "bankaccount" management; and che
CLRBK15.ZIP 650,345 01-14-96 Coloring Book v1.5. Has sound effects. Itcomes with 40 cartoon pictures alreadydrawn for your child to color. However, youcan draw your own and save them in yourpersonal book.
COLRBK22.ZIP 97,555 02-26-96 The Popular Coloring Book v2.2. A classickid's toy now includes 10 pictures.Supports 50 colors, printing, 3-D buttonbar, 30-level undo, & more.
CODEMAN.ZIP 1,817,089 02-15-96 CodeMan for Windows. Morse Code tutor playssimulated tones, and has an option fordisplaying or hiding the letters and codeas the tones play.
DCCHAL21.ZIP 327,586 02-19-96 DC Circuits Learning and Training System<ASP> (ESC) 13 exercises to help you learnor teach electricity or electronics.Features random problem generation,extensive graphics, context sensitive help,and instant scoring.
DIGTAL21.ZIP 302,095 02-19-96 Digital Challenge v2.10 <ASP> (ESC)Training software system for teaching andlearning electronics and computer hardwaretheory. Consist of 10 exercises which areautomatically graded on-line. Someexercises have context s
DMATCH40.ZIP 583,587 01-09-96 Dino Match v4.0 <ASP> Memory-building gamefor ages 5-9. Help Derik the Dinosaurrescue books from Rex the Tyrannosaurus bysolving various memory tasks. Game hasanimation, music and sound.
DNUMBR40.ZIP1,120,809 01-09-96 Dino Numbers v4.0 <ASP> Arithmetic game forchildren ages 7-12. Help Derik the Dinosaurrescue books from Rex the Tyrannosaurus bysolving various arithmetic problems.
DSPELL40.ZIP 961,795 01-09-96 Dino Spell v4.0 <ASP> Spelling game forages 7-12. Help Derik the Dinosaur rescuefruit from Rex the Tyrannosaurus by solvingvarious spelling challenges. Includesanimation, music and sound effects.
EASIQS_5.ZIP 63,905 03-23-96 E.A.S.I.'s Quick Study v5.0. Easy to use'Flash-card' type study program for ANYsubject, in ANY language. Fast, efficient,actually makes studying enjoyable! And it'svery effective.
EASYWIN.ZIP 235,539 02-28-96 Easy Action v1.0. Let's teachers create anaccurate seating chart. Easily change thesize and location of desks to match yourroom arrangement, and a student roster canbe created from scratch or imported fromtext file or
EGG25SF.ZIP 369,558 02-28-96 State Flags with Professor Egg v2.5.Educational game helps you improve yourknowledge of the flags of the states of theUnited States of America. The player isassisted by Professor Egg.
ETSGC10.ZIP 1,127,011 02-19-96 Grade Companion v1.0. Full featuredgradebook program developed by teachers.Create custom reports and charts, set upfiles, and copy info from other files usingWizards like you've seen in other programslike Microsoft Wo
EURWIN22.ZIP 161,066 02-15-96 Europe! v2.2. Take a trip across Europe!Includes colorful map games for thecountries, capitals, major exports andgeographical features of Europe. The timedgame format holds interest and makeslearning European geograp
FASTYP50.ZIP 712,022 01-01-96 Fastype v5.0 <ASP> Typing tutorial shows 3Dkeyboard image and uses animation plusTrueType fonts to prompt typist to typecorrect keys.
FOS10.ZIP 47,078 01-21-96 French On Startup v1.0. Build your Frenchvocabulary for school or just personalpleasure. Includes common and uncommonFrench words.
GBOOK200.ZIP 94,769 04-09-96 Guitar Book v2.0. Shows chords, scales,arpeggios, and chord sets onphoto-realistic diagrams.
GEOUSA20.ZIP 729,617 02-01-96 GeoUSA v2.0 <ASP> Educational programintended for grade school children toadults. It tests / teaches U.S. geographyin an entirely visual way. Learn aboutstate locations, capital cities, statebirds, flowers, nicknames,
GRAMSLAM.ZIP 232,511 01-01-96 Grammar Slammer v1.00 <ASP> Grammar Helpthat answers the questions the grammarchecker can't. Get Answers not Questionsand real grammar help. Handy & Easy. Oneclick on little taskbar and Grammar Answersappear in HLP fi
GSAMI.ZIP 169,645 01-01-96 Grammar Slammer v1.00 for AMI-Pro.
GSW4W.ZIP 168,193 01-01-96 Grammar Slammer v1.00 for Word for Windows.
GSWP4W.ZIP 168,050 01-09-96 Grammar Slammer v1.00 for WordPerfect.
GSWPRO.ZIP 243,319 01-06-96 Grammar Slammer v1.00 for Word Pro.
KN32V160.ZIP 738,580 03-24-96 KeyNote Music Drills v1.60 for Win95/NT.Designed to help music students learn toidentify the notes of the bass clef, trebleclef, and grand staff, and to locate theirpositions on the keyboard or guitar andbass guitar f
KP41.ZIP 98,015 03-28-96 KP Typing Tutor International Generationv4.1. With virtual keyboard and palms.Supports most of the keyboard templates andalphabet languages, supports the Dvorakkeyboards as well; flexible andalternatives courses.
LTADD10.ZIP 97,500 04-28-96 Learning to Add v1.0. For kids age 4-7.Simple controls. Encourage your youngsterto see how adding and counting are closelyrelated.
MMATH21.ZIP 353,330 03-21-96 Monster Math v2.1. Multiplication math gamefor grades 1-4. Shoot the bubble containingthe correct answer to the displayedproblem. Digitized sound effects areprovided.
MOLES10.ZIP 132,052 02-19-96 Moles v1.0. Educate/Practice withconversions using the mole concept. Usefulfor instructional purposes for introductorychemistry students. Provides anon-threatinging way of presenting thismaterial to students.
MOUSMA11.ZIP1,291,852 03-14-96 Mouse Math v1.1 <ASP> Verbal mathematicsdrill program that gradually uncoverswhimsical photographs as answers to spokenmath problems are clicked with a mouse.Allows you to select problem rangesappropriate for kids, te
PHONICS2.ZIP1,412,131 01-15-96 Phonics 123 Reading & Spelling System <ASP>With real SPEECH. Teaches children andadults the Phonetics reading and spellingmethods. By using a game like approach thephonics system if fun!
RTG13.ZIP 236,053 01-20-96 Random Test Generator v1.3. Create randomtests from databank questions which youdevelop. Will print out multiple tests allrandom based on your parameters.
SM105.ZIP 1,285,750 03-10-96 School Master v1.05 <ASP> For theprofessional educator. User categories, optID#'s, tot pt or weighted scores, discardworst scores, extra credit, statistics &charts, progress reports, attendance andmore.
SPELLIN1.ZIP1,359,920 01-08-96 Talking Spelling v1.0 <ASP> Interactivespelling teacher for kids 5-17. Talkingspelling will teach children/student howto spell their name, reading, their weeklyspelling words, painting, drawing andsolving jigsaws.
SPELLW10.ZIP1,075,846 01-01-96 Spell v1.0. Use this multimedia spellingtutor package to teach your child not justto spell but also to read. You can add yourown words and along with them theirdefinitions, pictures, and voice files.
TCNWIN33.ZIP 570,936 04-01-96 The Constitution Notebook Program. Studyaid with rights commentary and interactivesearch and indexing abilities. Users candetermine for themselves and to their ownsatisfaction what is WRITTEN in theConstitution and wh
TRUEMC26.ZIP 234,227 02-23-96 True Multiple-Choice Test-Generator andStudy Skills v2.6. Knowledge and Judgment.Write, review, game and test at 5 levels ofthinking. Individual interactive tests andprinted class tests. 200 questions per fileand 50 q
TWWN95.ZIP 1,324,748 03-02-96 Test Writer v2.0. For educators to create/maintain printed tests and test banks. NewFeatures: Margin control, highlightmis-spelled words, revamped questionscreens and more.
USCGEXAM.ZIP 259,486 04-26-96 The United States Coast Guard QuestionPool. Includes all the questions thatappear on examinations for 24 Deck Licenses.
USPUZL11.ZIP 140,427 02-15-96 USAPuzzle! v1.1. Take a spin across theUSA! Includes colorful map puzzles for thestates and capitals of the US. The puzzlepieces consist of states and star icons,which are dragged and rotated by the userto their corre
VCD_12A.ZIP 1,059,010 01-05-96 The Vashon Crossword Dictionary v1.20 <ASP>Online verbal archive with over 80,000cross-referenced entries (in the registeredversion), spanning every major language anddiscipline. 1/3.
VCD_12B.ZIP 1,045,909 01-01-96 The Vashon Crossword Dictionary v1.20 <ASP>Each of the entries has appeared on apuzzle grid in The New York Times, The SanFrancisco Examiner, or one of dozens ofother publications. 2/3.
VCD_12C.ZIP 1,146,070 01-05-96 The Vashon Crossword Dictionary v1.20 <ASP>The dictionary is a compliation of clues &answers that have challenged solvers on alllevels. 3/3.
VOMTCH20.ZIP 271,737 02-12-96 Meter Challenge v2.00 <ASP> (ESC) Helps youteach or learn the use of ohmmeters andvoltmeters in troubleshooting electroniccircuits. Each program run is a newadventure requiring your skill to solve arealistic problem.
VOS10.ZIP 47,246 01-16-96 Vocabulary On Startup v1.0. If you arepreparing for the SAT, PSAT, GRE, or justenjoy learning new words V.O.S. is perfect.With a new vocabulary word each time youstart up Windows you WILL increase yourvocabulary!
WIT21.ZIP 937,074 04-08-96 How old was Paul Revere when he rode intostory? How many years separated Cortez andMichelangelo? You decide which people andevents to include. Sort and select byindividual people and events, or groups andfactions, muc
WITBTL21.ZIP 829,776 04-08-96 Who were the Kings of Israel and Judah whenthe Iliad was written? What Biblicalleaders were alive when the first Olympicgames were held? You can modify or expandthe datasets. Useful for sermon research,Bible, history
WSPELL11.ZIP1,134,247 01-02-96 Weekly Speller v1.10 <ASP> An excellent wayto encourage children to practice weeklyspelling lists. Provides an easy mechanismto quickly input spelling lists that canimmediately be used for spelling practice.
ZZCOLR32.ZIP 753,922 03-15-96 Color-by-Number v3.2. For ages 3 and above.Teaches colors, numbers, letters, andmemory skills while entertaining. Color oneof the included pictures or create yourown. Prize is awarded upon successfulcompletion of each
ZZPUZZ11.ZIP 547,278 03-15-96 Windows combination slider and jigsawpuzzle for ages 4 and above. Helps toimprove problem solving skills. Containsmany options including the unique twist ofhaving the pieces colored in only when theyare in their corre